Safer-Tourism Alliance (STA)
Safer-Tourism in the Covid-19 Era
STA is comprised of industry-leading, innovative companies (Sensiva Health, FreemanGroup, NorthStar Consulting, and SRG Technology) whose products and services are technology-driven.
The Safer-Tourism Alliance (STA) is committed to helping governments and tourism destinations, organizations and businesses adjust to Covid-19 and implement safer ways for employees, residents, and visitors to better manage, adjust and rebound from Covid-19 as well as future disruptions.
STA believes that destinations and businesses can successfully respond to disruptive events if residents and travelers are kept informed and updated on the disruption and the actions and activities needed to feel safe and be safe. Relevant and timely information and engagement with residents and travelers are key helping them make good choices. The innovative use of technology is fundamental to this adjusting, managing, and living in a new normal.
For Covid-19, STA has created a set of plans, strategies, and services that can successfully address the needs and requirements for safer living, travel, and tourism under the umbrellas of Testing, Training, and Tracking (the 3Ts):
Testing: Utilize effective and efficient testing for Covid-19 to reduce the risk of positive cases entering a destination.
Training: Provide health and safety processes, procedures, protocols, and standards to protect workers, visitors, and citizens whilst delivering a great guest experience.
Tracking: Use technology to engage and connect visitors and service providers with up to date and personally relevant information and alerts before, during, and after their visit to allow for safe travel and safe experience.
For Governments and Destinations, the STA team is committed to ensuring that the social and economic benefits of travel and tourism continue to serve the needs of visitors and citizens equally.
For more information visit: http://www.safer-tourism.com/